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“生态与环境修复”团队在小麦粉重金属健康风险研究方面取得进展(Research progress in health risk of heavy metals in wheat four during Mantou preparation)

时间:2023-04-03 点击:

Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) is a worldwide staple food crop, with consumption contributing to human health by supplementing carbohydrates, protein, lipids, minerals, vitamins and cellulose. In China, wheat flour is made into numerous types of daily foods, including mantou (a bread-like food but steamed), baozi (like mantou, but having stuffing), noodles, bingzi (a baked flat bun, similar to pizza crust) and dumplings. Among all these wheat flour products, mantou is the dominant means by which wheat flour is consumed, especially in northern China. Chinese mantou, made with wheat flour, represents one of the most common foods for most residents in northern China. The preparation process of mantou starts with the mixing of wheat flour, water, and yeast or sourdough, followed by fermentation, molding and steaming. Wheat flour fermentation involves the cleavage of bonds in macromolecules like proteins and carbohydrates, transforming organic compounds and the subsequent release of ethanol, CO2and quantities of small molecules, resulting in fluffy and pleasant-tasting mantou.

Most metals present in wheat grain exist as a metal-phytate complex, which are low in solubility. Furthermore, humans lack phytase, and thus wheat consumption results in low absorption of trace elements and heavy metals in the human small intestine. Unfortunately, wheat flour fermentation can degrade phytate, resulting in elevated soluble metals in the dough, including Zn, Cu, Mg and Fe. Thus, different fermentation methods of heavy metal-contaminated wheat flour may result in different heavy metal solubilities in the final wheat product. However, effect of different fermentation methods on heavy metal bioaccessibilities in wheat flour is undetermined. In this work, gastric and gastrointestinal heavy metal bioaccessibility in wheat flour products (CK-wheat dough, T1-mantou made with normally fermented dough, T2-mantou made with over-fermented dough and T3-mantou made with over-fermented dough+Na2CO3) made from two wheat flour samples (NX and QD) was assessed via a modified physiologically-based extraction test. Cadmium, Zn and Mn bioaccessibility in the gastric phase (GP) was greater than in the gastrointestinal phase (GIP), yet the opposite was observed for Cu (p<0.05). Lead bioaccessibility in the GIP of the QD sample was 1.37 - 4.08 times greater than that in the GP, while only the CK had greater bioaccessibility in the GIP than that in the GP (p<0.05) for the NX sample. Treatments T2 and T3 had greater Cd, Cu, Zn and Mn bioaccessibilities than the CK and T1 in the GP (p<0.05). In the GIP however, only T3 had greater Mn bioaccessibility than the CK for the NX sample. Enhanced degradation of the heavy metal-phytate following over-fermentation may have led to greater heavy metal bioaccessibility. Results should help food processors reduce human absorption of excessive heavy metals present in wheat flour foods.

The lab work of this research was conducted by Miss Yanqing Liu, a graduate student of School of Environmental Engineering and the Joint Lab, with the advice by Professor Liping Li. Professor James A. Ippolito, professor of Colorado State University, USA and a member of the Joint Lab also contributed to the research. Results of this work was recently published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research recently (DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-26727-6).


该研究成果以《Fermentation affects heavy metal bioaccessibility in Chinese mantou》(DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-26727-6)为题,于近期发表于Environmental Science and Pollution Research(IF:5.190)上。亚洲第一品牌威尼斯澳门人李立平教授为该论文的通讯作者与第一作者,硕士研究生刘艳青为第二作者,河南工业大学及河南省环境污染修复与粮食质量安全国际联合实验室为该论文第一作者单位和通讯作者单位。国际联合实验室成员、美国科罗拉多州立大学James A. Ippolito教授对研究也有贡献。

撰稿:刘艳青  审校:李立平  审核:万东锦

研究的图形摘要Graphical abstract of the research